Artists’ Union England supports freelance/self-employed artists based in England. Membership costs £42 annually – equivalent to £3.50 per month.
Membership Benefits
A membership to Artists’ Union England gets you professional support and access to resources. That means you’ll get:
- Public and Products Liability (PPL) insurance
- 30 minutes FREE legal advice
- Access to resources about artists’ issues
- FREE training and study opportunities
- Tax guidance
Your membership means help will be there when you need it and we’ll constantly campaign for artist’s rights.
What Do Artists’ Union England Do?
We take on casework and support members through workplace disputes
We offer bespoke guidance and advice when members need it.
We connect artists in their local area and support members to be more active in the union.
We support members in financial hardship and help with stipends to attend conferences and training.
We campaign for sustainable futures, equality, respect and access in every aspect of life and work.
We launched the ‘Good Practice Charter’ to hold institutions to account.
Artists’ Union England represents artists and our members work in disciplines including:
– Visual Art,
– Applied Arts,
– Socially Engaged Art,
– Moving Image
– Sound and Performance
Artists’ Union England is an active union and is constantly campaigning, producing resources and signposting opportunites for its members.